Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2/28/15 IWFM Vendor List

We missed you last weekend at the Indy Winter Farmers Market. We appreciate all of the dedicated shoppers and vendors that tackled the snowstorm; however, are also grateful for those who used their best judgement to stay home and avoid the bad roads. We are happy to be back with a full vendor line up this weekend. IWFM runs from 9am-12:30pm in the Platform (located in the City Market) on Saturday. IWFM sponsor Nuvo will be at the market educating patrons on their exciting upcoming programming. In addition, Fields of Agape and IWFM Vendor Hobbit Gardens will be leading a kids activity, where participants can sew their own herbal healing pack. We'll see you Saturday!

Here's a complete list of 2/28 vendors:

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